10 Holistic Ways to Detox Sugar

APRIL 11, 2023

Hi! I'm Lauren.

You're destined for greatness, and
my job is to help you look, feel,
& perform at your best while embracing your purpose-filled life.
Have you noticed how "normal" it’s become to just accept sugar as part of our life and culture?

Refined and processed sugar is literally everywhere — down every grocery aisle, in every restaurant, and hidden in everything from yogurts, breakfast cereals, and beverages to savory salad dressings, pasta sauces, soups, baked goods and things most people don't even realize — like supplements!

What’s worse is that sugar is often sneakily disguised on food labels.

Here are just a few of the aliases sugar goes by on ingredient lists.

No matter how it’s being consumed or what name it goes by, research shows that sugar can seriously damage our health — yet we're consuming more of it every year, with incredibly damaging consequences.

So many women that I meet with are shocked to find that some of their most troubling or just plain annoying health concerns and symptoms are directly related to excessive sugar intake.

Here are some common issues and conditions linked to regularly consuming excess sugar.

This all often begs the question: “But don’t we need sugar and carbs for energy?”

It’s true, glucose is a preferred energy source by the body, just as sunlight and water are energy for plants.

But what happens when a plant gets too much sun or water? It wilts and ultimately dies.

So is the relationship with the body and sugar.

Unfortunately, the foods and eating habits of today introduce far more sugar than our bodies were designed to handle.

Although it may seem overwhelming at first, getting sugar out of your diet is one of the best things that you can do to burn stubborn body fat, improve your energy and look & feel your best.

This video will give you ten practical holistic strategies for rebalancing your body and breaking free from sugar & carb cravings so you can kick the habit and ultimately reach your health & body goals.


- Lauren

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